Areas of Practice
Insolvency Law
At Oldham Construction Lawyers, we have vast experience in debt recovery and insolvency law. We provide useful and practical services to our clients who include creditors, directors, debtors, corporations, receivers, administrators, liquidators, and general insolvency practitioners.
We have successfully represented both creditors and debtors in debt recovery actions by acting expeditiously to obtain our client’s interest or providing advice on managing the risks associated with debt recovery and litigation. We utilise dispute resolution practices to ensure a quick and cost-effective outcome is provided our clients.
Oldham Construction Lawyers act in debt recovery proceedings commenced in VCAT, Magistrates’ Court, County Court, and Supreme Court of Victoria and the Federal Courts.
We structure our services on the specific needs of our clients, from the drafting and service of letters of demand to the commencement or defence of enforcement proceedings including:
Filing and service of bankruptcy notices
Bankruptcy proceedings
Filing of warrants to seize property
Service of Statutory Demand for the Payment of Debt
Application for the winding up of companies
Applications to set aside Statutory Demands or Winding-up applications
Claims against directors
Our Lawyers regularly appear in the Supreme Court and the Federal Magistrates Court, including in the landmark case of Hanlon Industries v Renegade Rigging (2010).
If you are a creditor or you have been served with debt recovery proceedings please call (03) 9640 0002.