Areas of Practice
Building and Construction Law
Whether you are a builder or a property owner in Melbourne, there are many complex legal issues associated with construction projects or home renovations. At Oldham Construction Lawyers, we have extensive experience acting for builders, engineers, property developers, architects, surveyors, tradesmen and home owners, in both domestic and commercial building matters. Our experience as construction lawyers is highly regarded in Melbourne’s legal circles.
Oldham Construction Lawyers has acted on behalf of Owners Corporations and owners of apartments in complex matters to recover damages in the Domestic Building and Property List of the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal regarding structural defects and claims against insurance companies.
We also assist trade associations and their members, including the Master Builders Association of Victoria. We have a diverse range of contacts within the industry and can assist with a wide range of construction defects, including providing advice on building contracts, Owners Corporation issues, and insurance claims. Our solicitors aim to provide our clients with cost-effective and timely resolutions to disputes.
Oldham Construction Lawyers represents practitioners in regulatory and disciplinary proceedings under the Building Act in the Victorian Building Authority, the Building Practitioners Board and the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal.
Oldham Construction Lawyers has been involved in many reported decisions in Supreme Court as well as VCAT and the Building Appeals Board. The team have also made many successful applications under the Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act.
Click here to view cases in which Daniel has appeared.
If you are involved in this type of dispute or would like more information regarding this area of law, please contact us via email info@oclawyers.com.au, or by calling (03) 9640 0002.